Legal to do things I was doing illegally 

Yay, so I finically turned 18 and I've been out like crazyyyy! Clubbing and exploring. Also moved out of paryses and moved into a small studio apartment with my other mate Laine. I know I have written in ages, but I guess I kindve have time now aha. Uni has been full hectic and I've... Continue Reading →

Innocently lost or innocence lost

More evident than not, I wake up with an unfamiliar feeling. It can’t be pinpointed with a single word. It’s close to nostalgia, but not quite. I feel lost, but so in tact. It’s weird actually. I kind’ve remember how I use to be before last year happened. Before my parents broke up and before... Continue Reading →

Isolated and independent

It happened two nights ago. I basically had a slight falling out with my mum which lead to Tylah and I moving out. Currently, I'm laying down with Tylah next to me in our new room - Paryse's garage. AAHHAHHA, we moved into our best friends garage. My life is everywhere. I need a proper... Continue Reading →

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